Monday, 31 December 2012

Conference chairman Brian Leggott the day before his birthday wearing his conference hats

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

New member of the Rotary Family in Coffs Harbour

Paul_Thomas Clarke President of Coffs South and Louise have a wonderful new daughter. Born last night...... Early today last day of the year.

Two lovely photos that I know will bring back memories to all of us with Children.

We need to see the photos and messages in their Post Office to celebrate the event.

Will keep you up dated as details emerge from the proud dad.

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Friday, 21 December 2012

Fwd: Some of the Gathering Celebrating the life of Rick Bowen-Thomas

Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions as we celebrated a Life of a Rotarian. Our Past Governor and current President of Gloucester Rick Bowen-Thomas was fare-welled.

The Rotarian Guard of Honour with representatives District wide was very much appreciated by Christine when I spoke to her later in the day. To see two lines of Rotarian's shoulder to shoulder extending from the church across the full width of the road showed the respect held for Rick.

The gatherings later were a midst of stories ... but very much looking forward.

This has not been my best week and as current Governor it has made me reflect on the work done by all of you ... our 9650 Rotarians.

You all contribute to your community ... that is why you were asked by someone to wear the small Gold badge. That is why you wear it ... with pride.

We are all different in our views ... our work emphases ... and our ability to donate time or money ... but we all share the one core value ... Service above Self.

Over the past few weeks I have racked up the k.m. and shared the angst of the grain farmers at harvest and the crop farmers ... both with different water needs. I have listened to those in retail and I too share their mixed prospects. And I have listened to those in the Public sector  with various cutbacks. Rotarians it has not been an easy first  half year.

But ... unbelievably despite this  .... we are growing in member numbers in our District and are marginally ahead of our Foundation aim.


I believe it was demonstrated yesterday as we stood quietly shoulder to shoulder. To me it showed a willingness to care ... to be involved ..... to travel ..... to share the load.

More than anything else our Rotary needs you ..... and others like you.
The fabulous diversity that keeps us vibrant ..... the mix of age groups to ensure we pass the baton between generations.

RBT may have completed his time of service .... but for me ... it makes my time I spend with each of you more important.

I look forward to spending this next half year encouraging you to give 100% in the way you can and inviting someone else you know to share in our wonderful SERVICE CLUB ... Rotary.

I hope I can metaphorically present each of you with a "100% INVOLVEMENT" recognition at the conclusion of the year.

On behalf of all the Management Team ..... May Christmas be special and the New Year safe.


Brian Beesley  Mobile. 0419634275
See whats happening in 9650
Please use the following e-mail addresses depending on your contact needs.
District 9650 Governor Rotary (2012-13)  .....
Personal .....

(Please use for work related contact)

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Bill Forrest 100% attendance

When you read Bills words. It is the100% enthusiasm that endears him to Rotary and Rotary to him.

If I could just have half the enthusiasm of Bill I would be a far better person.

Brian bees sent in brief from tablet

Saturday, 15 December 2012

We all have a passion

Just one of the interesting things Past Governors get up to.

What a machine .... John

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Wingham Rotary in action at the annual street carnival

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Friday, 7 December 2012

Australian Rotary Health dinner.

This uniquely Australian and Rotary Health Research group do amazing work. All voluntary in Rotary administrators and District Governors attend AGM. This dinner we each pay to attend. Consider holding a special fundraiser to support a specific research project. Guest speakers are available across our District. Best use of resources is to get a group of Clubs to host a combined dinner and invite plenty of outside guests. We can nominate exactly which research project and institution gets the funding.

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Rob and Kerry officially meeting Incoming International President Ron and Jetta

This will always be the most difficult photo to take clearly

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

They say clothes maketh the man

The future of Rotary. Perhaps its the coat.

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Kerry and International President Ron

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

International president Ron kerry and rob. Governor elect Rob getting the up to date info

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

How close are we...

Future leaders seminar participants. Michelle and Wendy

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Fwd: The girls

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Bob & Wendy Cooper" <>
Date: 01/12/2012 7:46 PM
Subject: The girls
To: "Beesley Brian & Heather" <>

Wendy Cooper
City of Kwinana

Sent from my iPad

Fwd: The glamour Boys.

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Bob & Wendy Cooper" <>
Date: 01/12/2012 7:45 PM
Subject: The glamour Boys.
To: "Beesley Brian & Heather" <>

Wendy Cooper
City of Kwinana

Sent from my iPad

Past Governor Jane.

Hey Jane who's the bloke!!!!

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)

Happy Harry letting his hair down

It would be irreverent to suggest he does not normally do it

Brian bees (sent from my phone in brief)