Monday, 12 November 2012

Recharge for Rotary Hosting and Breakfast
Meeting At Armidale AM. (Notes from Club Bulletin)

This was another great success for our club and we should
all thank Lorraine for organising the hosting, the dinner at
the Royal and a really great breakfast meeting, which I felt
re-energised all of us when listening to our guests’ attitudes
towards Rotary.

The Recharge For Rotary bikies, who were obviously
enjoying their journey a great deal, each gave a brief
reflection on the topic of “What turns me on about Rotary”

Ben Paix: Kempsey. Ben has been a GSE student to
Germany with Steve’s cousin Brad, lead by Brian Beesley. -
It’s the opportunity to receive 10 fold on what you give. I
cannot put it in a packet, I cannot tell anyone about it, as
soon as you start doing it the personal rewards from being
in Rotary go far beyond anything you can begin to
describe. It’s until you start giving a little bit, that’s when
you receive so much more.

James Christian: President of Bellingen Rotary Joined
Rotary in 1974. James doesn’t like AM meetings _. He
likes the friendships you make with Rotary. For example,
then you go on to District committees where he is on the
Rotary Youth Exchange committee and the International
Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotary which gives him
friends from all over the world.

Diana Christian: Bellingen. Around 9 years. John Burkey
(an ex-AM member) inducted her. She is on the Youth
Exchange committee with James and is assistant governor
for Cluster 2 – Bellingen, Nambucca, Kempsey,
Macksville, South West Rocks and has thoroughly enjoyed
getting to know those people which is what turns her on
about Rotary.
Adam Sherwell: Coffs Harbour. Member 13 years. Over
the years he has slowly found out about the different
avenues in Rotary and the biggest passion he has
discovered is Friendship Exchanges. His first exchange
was Donald the Diary Farmer from New Zealand which
opened him up to how much fun you can have with hosting
people. Then Group Study Exchange and he was a
member of the committee for 3 years so was involved in
organising the visits when they came to Coffs. The various
forms of hosting is what he loves to do.

Steve Milne: Coffs for 5 years. He also likes hosting
people, talking about where he lives and why his visitors
live where they live. He also likes socialising with his and
nearby clubs. There are never conflicts of interest and he
knows that he can rely on his fellow members for help
when he needs it.

Peter Grob: President of Port Macquarie Sunrise. Rotarian for
7 years. Peter is from Switzerland.
Rotary even lets them in!! (Peter’s words)  His goal is to make fun.
Laughing is the healthiest thing in life. A day without a
laugh is a wasted day. Peter had no idea about Rotary.
When he first saw the Rotary wheel he thought it might be
an engineering club. He has been director of international
twice and is currently the project co-ordinator it RAWCS
for Tanner, Vanuatu. He likes helps those who need it and
especially when they appreciate it. He thinks of Rotary as
his big extended family.

Max Withers: Parramatta (Gloucester before that). Max
talked about the difference between Sydney and country
clubs. Sydney clubs can’t move around like country clubs
because of the masses of traffic. The moving around and
fellowship of the last week has been absolutely fabulous.
Rotarians have all got lovely attitudes. There is so much
goes on with Rotary which you can get entrenched in. You
don’t do it to get reward but you get inner reward because
of the attitudes of the people. All the clubs we have been
to all have lovely attitude.

Ron Barber: Most of Ron’s experience with Rotary is
similar to what went before, except that it happened before
then. He joined in 1970. A scene, from the Recharge for
Rotary trip, of a person swagging along the road reminded
him of a poem:

 Brian Beesley: DG, Gloucester. What turns him on about
Rotary is what we just heard. There are 56 clubs in our
district. Every year they turn out 56 leaders. Every year
the world turns out hundreds of District leaders. Rotary is a great
source of training
(Minor editing by bb)

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